Playlist du 17 septembre 2023
J.E. SUNDE - Turn the Radio On (Alice, Gloria and Jon – 2023)
WHITELANDS - The Prophet & I (2023)
JEANNE ADDED - Ready Baby (2023)
YOCTO - Orbital Alcatraz (Zepta Supernova – 2023)
CONSOLE - 14 Zero Zero (Rocket in the Pocket - 1998)
SANTA CHIARA - Worth It or Not? (IMPORTED - 2023)
RINOCEROSE - La Guitaristic House Organisation (Installation sonore – 1999)
ME IN THE BATH - Solstice (Fairy Tales (Songs for Johnny) – 2023)
TELEVISION PERSONALITIES - All the young children on crack (My Dark Places – 2006)
PAVEMENT - Shady Lane (Brighten the Corners -1997)
FAT DOG - King of the Slugs (2023)
GRIAN CHATTEN - Bob’s Casino (Chaos For The Fly - 2023)
THE KILLS - New York (God Games – 2023)
BOSTON TEA PARTY - 90's dream (Little Trouble Kids - 2010)
MILK TV - Run To Buy Vacuum (Néo-Géo – 2023)
VAMPIRE WEEKEND - Cousins (Contra - 2010)
CUMGIRL8 - Cursed angel (phantasea pharm (EP) – 2023)
TRANSPARENT SOUND - Remanisance (Accidents 1994-2023 – 2023)
OCTOBER DOGS - One moment (The cusp of beauty – 2023)
HANIA RANI - Dancing with Ghosts (ft. Patrick Watson) (Ghosts – 2023)
NICO GEORIS - Flight (Cloud Suites - 2023)
DUB TRACTOR - F72 (Wait - 2023)
SHED SEVEN - F:K:H (2023)
!!! - Hello ? Is this thing on ? (Louden Up Now - 2004)
EZRA FURMAN - Restless year (Perpetual Motion People - 2015)